Friday, December 5, 2008

Winter Insulation

So, guess where we got to go for Thanksgiving? I know, we are travel junkies. So sue us, we missed Brian’s family. We hopped on a couple of flights and voila, Wilbraham, MA.

The boys and I got to catch up with some old neighborhood friends. Barbara, bless her soul, even took me to a two hour yoga class. It was just the thing to uncoil my back after a long travel day. It felt a little strange to go stomping around the old homestead. Brian and I went for a walk past our old house. It looked faded and sad. I had the song Yellow Taxi in my head as we passed.…Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone….And I waxed nostalgic for a bit. Then I remembered that house only had one bathroom upstairs. One bathroom for the five of us. Funny, I don’t miss it at all anymore!

We packed as much as we could into the 6 days we had there. We made an overnight trip into Boston, where we spent time with very dear friends and their children. We took the boys to the Boston Aquarium, strolled along Quincy Market and had lunch at Durgan Park. The food was just so so, (the entire menu was either boiled or fried) but the boys loved the idea that whalers used to sail into port and sit at the same tables to eat.

For Thanksgiving, Brian’s sister and her husband hosted thirty people for a sit down dinner. You read that right, thirty people. They rented a heated tent and put it up in the back yard. Kim and Steve are amazing; there were twinkle lights, table clothes and beautiful centerpieces. Everyone pitched in and brought their specialty to the feast. (Brian and I brought wine, what does that say about us?) It was one of the most beautiful meals I’ve ever had the privilege of attending.

The week flew by in a flurry of wonderful conversations and entirely too much food. All the cousins got along beautifully. We left with more then just full tummies; we left with some really magnificent memories.
The whole week served as a not so subtle reminder of how blessed we are with family and friends who love us.

To all of you who take the time to check in and catch up, I’m grateful for your presence in my life.
Thank You-

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